Help bring medical care to

communities without access.

A modern clinic serving the underserved on the east side of Roatán

When you google Roatán you'll see this

But much of the island looks more like this...

While the beauty of Roatán extends across the island, access to basic needs like quality healthcare, education, or housing do not.

Why quality medical care isn't accessible?

Where do you go when you get sick?

What if your only choices included:

  • Quality care but it costs you a month's salary for basic needs and is over an hour away and you don't have a car.

  • An affordable hospital but you may need to wait a few days to see a doctor and they may not have medicine in stock.

  • Waiting at home without running water or air conditioning to see if you get better.

These were the only options for people in our community.

But now that the hospital recently burned down (April 2024), the situation has become more dire.

An invitation from the Mayor

Complete Care Clinic

Complete Care Clinic will offer holistic services to care for people physically, mentally, and spiritually. Here's how we're different:

  • Affordable. We will offer $15 visits and free medication

  • Accessible. The clinic is located between two communities and is on the main road running west to east on the island. We also plan to purchase a van to help transport patients who don't own cars.

  • Personal. We will serve the whole person, spending time with them to hear their needs and praying with patients.

  • Community-focused. We will partner with local communities, providing health education to help reduce preventable diseases, and offering home visits for home-bound patients.

What will it take to open the clinic?

Due to the recent public hospital fire, $45,000 is needed to accelerate construction to open the clinic by August.

In order to serve people as quickly and effectively as possible, $65,000 is needed to buy equipment and supplies for the clinic and $180,000 to cover the first year of operating expenses. The goal after the first year is to secure $6,000 per month for doctor salaries and longterm sustainability.





Office Setup


1 Year Operating Cost






Office Setup






1 Year Operating Cost


How much is currently raised?

We are in the initial stage of raising funds to complete construction. We currently have $11,000 raised to restart the construction of the clinic and we need to reach $45,000 for the completion of the construction.

We are also looking for a donor who will match new donations to finish the clinic structure.



How Can You Help?

There are two important ways you can help.

  • Donate. Any amount helps. If 290 people each gave $1,000, we could open the clinic in August and sustain operations for one year.

  • Share the story. You probably know others who would want to help - friends from church, coworkers, or neighbors. Every person who helps is making a life-changing difference for someone in Roatán.

Clinic Timeline

As soon as we have $45,000 the accelerated construction can commence. Then we will need an additional $65,000 by July and the rest by August.

  • Build (May/June)

  • Setup (July)

  • Open (August)

Sign up to receive clinic progress updates.

Frequently Asked Questions

How will my donation be used?

Opening the clinic as soon as possible is critical so the first $45,000 received will be used primarily to finish the building. After that, donations will be used to purchase necessary equipment and supplies. Then donations will be used for operational expenses.

How will the clinic impact the surrounding communities?

Not only will the clinic provide access to much-needed quality, affordable healthcare, but it will also provide local jobs. We will employ office workers, nurses, doctors, maintenance workers, and janitors to support the clinic. And we will pay a higher wage than what most people on the island receive for the same job.

When will the clinic open?

If the initial $45,000 is received in time, we will open the clinic in August.

What happens if enough money is not raised?

Our team in Honduras is fully supported by generous monthly donors. If the initial funding is not raised by August, we will delay the opening of the clinic until the first $45,000 is raised. With the initial $45,000, we can move forward with opening as we continue to raise additional funds for equipment, supplies, and personnel.

Will the clinic replace the public hospital?

The only public hospital on the island was recently (April 2024) destroyed in a fire. The hospital is currently operating out of makeshift and borrowed buildings while the government secures funding to build a new hospital. The clinic will not replace the hospital but will work in conjunction with the public hospital. We will serve as a diagnostic clinic to help people know if they should go to the hospital or not. We will also be able to offer medicine to treat cases that do not require hospitalization. This option has not been available to people on the east end of the island. Our plan is to help with volume of patients that end up at the hospital that could have been treated in an advanced. This effort will greatly help the people trying to make temporary hospital-like tents and facilities work more smoothly.

What medical supplies are available on the island?

Basic supplies may be available at a pharmacy but the inventory is not reliable. We will order most of our supplies and medicine from the mainland and from the United States when necessary.

Can I send supplies?

We often have people bring or ship supplies to Roatán. You can see a list of common items here. Please reach out to us before sending anything because we work with shipping companies and here are rules and costs associated with shipments.


