Mission Trip options

Below is a list of project options that your group can choose from for your upcoming mission trip.

Evangelism Projects

This is the most important part of the ministry. Come to share the gospel, pray and love on everyone! Native Hondurans are very receptive to evangelism.

Vacation Bible School

This is an awesome way to help kids learn about Jesus through bible classes, arts and crafts, games, puppets, skits and many other activities.

Home visits

Visit people at their home to pray with them and share the gospel while also blessing them with food and/or over-the-counter medicines.

Sports ministry

Come with plenty of energy because the kids love to play sports. Tis is a perfect opportunity to disciple the kids while teaching them about teamwork and core values. Soccer is the most widely known sport on Roatan but the kids are always thrilled to learn new ones.


Workshops are a great way to minister the Mom's or the teenagers. You can hold a bible program, life or working skills.


Testimonies are a very powerful way to demonstrate God's grace and provisions in our life. Mom's and teenagers are very impacted by them because it gives them an opportunity to see that other people also have to lean on the Lord to get them through life's challenges.

Medical Projects

We welcome All doctors, nurses, pharmacists, lab techs, radiology, and all the other medical professionals. Your help is greatly needed. But, there are also many opportunities for the non-professional to serve as well.

Medical home visits

This is a great way for our professionals to help us out. There are many patients who are homebound and cannot come to the clinic. Follow-up visits are also important to make sure the patients are getting better.

First aid and screening

This is a great area for our non-professionals to serve. they can perform general first aid and screenings for blood pressure and glucose.

Health Education

Come and give classes in health to our patients or medical staff such as diabetes, hypertension, CPR prenatal, parenting and general first aid just to name a few.

Pratical Projects

There are so many practical projects that are very helpful to those in need. Below I have listed our most popular ones.


There are a lot of people who need a home. They either do no have one or the one they have is just a shack or falling down. Building a home for a family or someone is one of the best ways to demonstrate God's love. Other types of construction is building cabinets, shelves, porches, ramps, bridges, ect.

Repair, Painting, cleaning

There are so many opportunities to serve in this type of project. Some ideas are replacing old roofs, walls, floors, doors, windows, painting indoor or outdoor of homes or schools, or cleaning ditches, yards or even whole communities.

Organizing, sorting, counting

You cannot imagine how helpful you can be in this area. We need help with clothes, shoes, school supplies, sports equipment, toys, medicines and medical supplies.


Education is very important and the need is great here. Please come to serve by hosting education programs or boot camps to children, teenagers, and adults . Some examples are English, math, science, arts, crafts, sports, home first aid, life skills, trades, ect.


We are always in need of someone with technical skills to help us out with our programs. Come and update or add useful software. Clean up our systems. Train staff or even hold classes for the children, teens and Mom's.

More Information

If you have any questions concerning the projects above please feel free to get in touch with us.

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  • gary@healinghonduras.org

  • suzy@healinghonduras.org

  • Kenzie@healinghonduras.org